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Balloon Finder

Balloon Finder is an APRS tracking software specifically designed to track High Altitude Balloons using serial, USB, or Bluetooth attached TNC's.  This software is free for download and use for your personal, non-commercial purposes.



See more Balloon Finder video tutorials. (Note, these are currently still done for the older 2019 versions of Balloon Finder, though most of the basic functions are similarly executed in the newer versions of the software.


The current version is: 2024.7.9, which includes significant upgrades for users who adjust the scaling on their display screen!  See the release notes for what's new.

Download Balloon Finder

Note that I have observed web browsers and certain anti-virus programs falsely detecting a virus inside of the .MSI installer. It doesn't always happen, but you may need to disable anti-virus before you download Balloon Finder. A ticket has been submitted with Microsoft about the issue, and I'm awaiting a response.


System Requirements

Operating System Microsoft Windows 10, or 11
Disk Space At least 1GB (downloaded maps could use more space)
Memory 2GB of RAM
Display At least 1024x768.
Prerequisites Microsoft .Net 4.8